Grey Geese
Back in the 1970s, when I started birding, grey geese seemed to me to be almost as 'rare as hen's teeth' in Sussex and it was quite possible to go a whole winter without seeing any. In 1973 for example only 30 White-fronted Geese were recorded in the whole county and there were no records at all of Bean or Pink-footed Geese. The hard winter of 1978/79 bucked the trend with totals in Sussex of at least 1580 White-fronts, 101 Bean (yet to be split into Tundra & Taiga) and 200 Pink-feet but I was a student in Plymouth at the time so completely missed out on this influx. Times change and, despite the trend towards milder winters, White-fronted Geese are now regular especially in the east of the county at Pett Level and Scotney. Tundra Bean Geese are also now near enough annual in small numbers but Pink-footed Geese remain surprisingly scarce in Sussex despite the vast numbers wintering only 200 miles away in Norfolk. Could it be that the huge numbers of feral Canada and Gre...